Posts Tagged 'pilates'

How to lose weight quickly and easily when you have no time?

This is a great question and that’s why I wrote my book – which is to help time-strapped new mums who wants to lose weight while juggling household chores and baby.

I get many post-natal women coming for my classes looking for a fast and effective way to get rid of their excess weight and tone up their tummies. Many dropped out after a while as they could not find the time to come to my studio for an hour-long class. These women were desperate and asked me if I could come up with a diet and fitness program that they could do at home and still lose weight. 

To help them, I interviewed experts in the diet and fitness industry and planned simple and effective Pilates regimes for these clients, and I am happy to say that my body conditioning program has helped them lose weight, build strength, enhance flexibility and improve fitness …without even stepping out of their homes!

First of all, I start them on a basic 15 minute Pilates routine that is targeted at the tummy, arms and legs. Then, when their strength is better, I teach them 5 maximum fat-busting exercises like lunges, push-ups and bicycle. You will see results in a month if you do my exercises diligently five to six times a week, combined with a low calorie diet.  

I know how time-pressed my clients are, so I devised simple and effective exercises they can do anytime, whether they are watching TV or grocery-shopping.

Do you know you can get tone your butt and thighs while watching Oprah?

You can do this by doing body weight squats using your coach as a workout tool:

First, stand in front of your couch with feet apart

Lower your body until your bottom touches the couch, then slowly raising yourself up to starting position.

Do this during commercial breaks and you will have a nice and firm bottom in no time!

How to exercise to lose weight and tone up after pregnancy…without leaving your house

Beat flab with Pilates!

Beat flab with Pilates!

My name is Pearlin and I am a Pilates instructor. As Pilates is an exercise that targets the tummy and back, I get many post-natal women coming for my classes looking for a fast and effective way to get rid of their excess weight and tone up their tummies.

While some of them came for my classes regularly and managed to win back their bodies and gain flatter tummies, many of these women could not juggle finding the time to come to my studio for an hour-long class and looking after their babies. They were desperate and asked me if I could come up with a diet and fitness programmme that they could do at home and still lose weight.

Using my knowledge as a contributor to SHAPE magazine, I interviewed experts in the diet and fitness industry and planned simple and effective Pilates regimes for these clients, and I am happy to say that my body conditioning program has helped more than 200 women lose weight, build strength, enhance flexibility, improve wellness, fitness and posture…without even stepping out of their homes!

This exclusive programme is now available to you in The Essential Post-pregnancy Weight Loss Guide – which has been proven and tested in the real world! I sincerely hope that you will be my next weight loss success story.

I have a favour to ask…because I want to address your needs, please tell me what your most pressing weight loss question is.

Go to and enter your question. These questions will then be posted and answered here.

You will also receive a free e-book sample of The Essential Post-pregnancy Weight Loss Guide after you submit your question.

Thank you and I look forward to your weight loss success!